Friday 29 October 2010

The little big top

'Trouble in little big top' is a little incident which occurred during the 2010 Belgium Grand Prix, were Ian 'Jelly Baby Man' Almond had to hold on for dear life to his tent pole during a particularly terrible storm, in his all in one, bright yellow sleeping bag/costume.
The little big top is the oldest tent known to mankind!! I think my dad purchased by collecting vouchers from my granddads cigarette boxes.
But it's a little belter and is a match for any storm!!

Billy Almond City at night

Saturday 17 October 2009

Darwen christmas card scenes

Here are a selection of winter scenes which have been used for local Christmas cards. As you can tell the tower is quite a popular one.

Bristol drink

This is a loose watercolour painted from a trip we went on to Bristol to see the Banksy exhibition in August 09

Friday 16 October 2009

The Beatles

The Beatles

I just saw that Ricky Gervais film, what's its name?? Can't remember 'I'm looking through you' is on the soundtrack and reminded me of this painting!!
X marks the spot

Or you could be just crossing the road messing with your phone and the camera goes off??

Photoshop sketch

Loose sketch of lads crossing the street from Swan pub Darwen